4 Reasons Vinyl Fencing Is A Good Choice For Your Daycare

If you're starting a daycare, one thing you'll want to do is make the yard safe for kids. You'll probably want the kids to go outside regularly, and that means you'll need a fence for their privacy and protection. Vinyl is a good material for a daycare fence. Here's why.

1. Vinyl Panels Are Hard To Climb Over

A daycare fence may be regulated by your local authorities when it comes to height, picket spacing, and gate options. You want a fence that's too tall for rambunctious kids to climb over and that's tall enough to keep people and animals from jumping over from the other side. Vinyl fence panels don't have footholds like other types of fencing, so they're good at keeping kids contained. Plus, the fence panels are strong and durable, so you don't have to worry about them being kicked and creating splinters.

2. Solid Panels Provide Privacy

A vinyl privacy fence is a good choice for a daycare because then you won't have to worry about kids getting their heads caught between pickets or poking their arms through the fence. The panels also offer privacy, so your kids are out of sight and safer. Plus, a privacy fence could keep problems down with the properties next door. A dog that sees kids playing outside might bark constantly but not pay any attention when the view is blocked by a privacy fence.

3. Vinyl Doesn't Need Much Care

You probably feel like you spend all day cleaning to keep the daycare sanitary, so the last thing you want to worry about is maintaining a fence. Vinyl doesn't need much care, especially if you choose a darker color for the fence. You may want to wash the fence occasionally by hosing it off, but you won't have to worry about painting the fence or sanding off rust.

4. Vinyl Is An Attractive Match For Your Building

A vinyl fence holds its shape for years, so it will look tidy and enhance your property for a long time. A wood fence starts wearing down right away due to sun exposure and rain. A worn fence makes your property look shoddy and might make parents wonder about the quality of care you provide. A vinyl fence is attractive whether you choose white vinyl or a wood lookalike. You can even add a matching short vinyl picket fence to your front yard for a bit of homey yard décor.

Talk to a vinyl fence installation contractor to learn more.

About Me

Making Over My Yard

After we purchased our first home, I realized that there were a few things in the yard we needed to focus on. In addition to going through and weeding the entire area, we also started thinking about things that we could plant that would add a little interest. It was really incredible to see how much of a difference our efforts made, and pretty soon our yard was one of the nicest ones in our neighborhood. Believe it or not, we even had people asking us who did the work professionally, which was hilarious because we were just doing the best we could. This blog is all about making over your yard with the right landscaping.



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